January 19, 2012

Oil and the Wine

In November of 2011 the Lord impressed on me to buy bottles of sparkling grape drink . It was a moment when I felt like the Holy Spirit and I were shopping for the people in the ministry. To be honest I didn't buy as many bottles as I should have. I didn't realize it until later in December. I only knew that it was part of a gift and that it was a symbol of the blood and new wine. I purchased 12 bottles that afternoon. I knew the Lord was building a picture and message as the weeks went by.

A Week after I bought the sparkling grape bottles. He had me to deliver one to a son and daughter, (In the Lord) representing the blood of Jesus and communion. I was finding myself walking out a message or word. It was clear by then that it all meant something to the Lord. He was using it to speak to my heart and the hearts of His people.

The Lord told me to be sure to get at least one into each household (or ministry representative) that would be at the New Year's meeting. Just a few days before Christmas I was in line in the store when my eyes rested on an item in the center of the isle which was on special. At least it was set in a place of honor, (as shopping goes). In a place where people could see it at the last minute. It would either stand out to you or you would miss it all together.

The Lord knows how to shop. I got out of line and gathered the precious bottles that were sitting on the shelf. I was so excited, they even cost the same price as the small bottles of sparkling grape drink. At that moment I felt such a confirmation of the word I had been hearing in my heart for at least a month. It was more important than all the gifts I had purchased. These were from God to give a sign and message for 2012.

I felt like I had the greatest of treasure. In my hand were little bottles of extra virgin olive oil, gifts and symbols for Gods people. First the wine then the oil. Oh my goodness!!! These two items witnessed of each other. These two items remind us of covenant made by the Lord. He gave his blood and He poured out the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.

In both items there are several messages but what He showed me was that He made a covenant with us. One we could not fulfill. One we did not and could not bring about. Only Jesus could. He was the sacrifice; His blood was shed and His Holy Spirit was poured out to us. I'm so grateful.

But the message that sat in my heart for a month was Rev. 6:6, in this scripture it tells us that a voice which was in the midst of the living creatures warns of great Inflation. The black horse seen in verse 5 had a pair of scales in his hand. He is a symbol of economic disruption.

The verse warns us of the release of inflation and scarcity.

But the Lord brought my attention to the last part of the verse. The voice from the midst of the living creatures says, "Do not harm the Oil and the Wine."

My spirit was encouraged with this command. It showed me that even in spite of any and all caous, crisis, calamity, inflation, famine and drought, God has and will protect some things. There are some thing's that are marked and set apart.

Oil and wine represent the Holy Spirit. God wanted to give us a prophetic symbol using the wine and oil to remember what His word says to encourage us to be covered with the oil and filled with the wine of the Holy Spirit.

He isn't saying nothing will be touched in the End Times but He tells us what is marked and separated by Him. The Oil and the Wine.

The two items represents witness, and covenant. The twelve original bottles I had purchased spoke of apostolic authority and government; one was singled out as representing the blood of Jesus. One man shed His blood for us, thus releasing apostolic authority and kingdom government. God had me disperse to each ministry or home to represent the Lord setting His promise in each household. When you see and hear His promise embrace it, take hold of it. Honor Him for it.

This promise is for us even in this season. The black horse may go out and touch many resources this year but the Lord calls us to remember the covenant in His blood and wine.

Make sure you are marked by it; you have to receive what He has already provided. After New Years the Lord put a few more bottles in my hand and He let me know that He would continue to prepare His people and call for many to see and hear what the Spirit is saying. He will grant fresh oil to His people. He will fill us with His wine that will fill us with great joy and this joy will take us through. This wine will fill us and saturate us and cause His joy and peace even through troubled times. His oil will cover us and be a source of light even in times of darkness.

These things will not be touched nor taken for those who give care and hold value and honor of God.

Every Christian can have flowing in their life, the oil and wine of the Holy Ghost.

Willicia Rucker